instruments and body with memories 1.jpg

Iron pour bells and soft sculpture with insert animation on iPad, 91’’ by 49’’by 110’’, 2018

The softness and playfulness invite audiences to enter into a tender relationship with them. While they walk around, touch it, sit down or lay down, these physical engagements, participations and viewings offer the audiences a sense of discovery and play. At the same time, the objects are intended to bear possible resemblance to things and memories from the past, triggering distant memories and ambivalent associations.

I created this parallel space from the reality, offered visitors a place to escape and a way to zone out, in order to reflect and to meditate. This interactive installation provides an opportunity for a different outlook on space and time; body and mind, and our position in it. I always seek to facilitate a meditative experience with the objects and constructed narrative that I create.

Instruments and Body with memories, 2018
Iron pour bells and soft sculpture with insert animation on iPad 91’’ x 49’’ x 110’’