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This outdoor bell installation hung for two and a half weeks on campus. It acts as a subtle gesture of inviting people who walk by. The soothing tones of bells call them to sit down and take a moment. The work intends to create a meditative atmosphere that inspires peace and harmony in our busy lives, calming, relaxing and healing.

Wind chimes and bells have a long and varied history, with developments spanning cultures, continents and uses. When Buddhism was introduced into China and the native Chinese religion Taoism came into being, wind chimes and bells began to be used in Buddhist and Taoist monasteries as musical instruments for religious ceremonies.

The Chinese used the music of chimes to express emotions and establish an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Buddhists liked to hang hundreds or even thousands of wind chimes or bells on temples, shrines and pagodas. Breezy moments caused an almost overwhelming, auspicious sensation of sound.

It is believed that listening to the sound of bells creates a state of balance, relief, serenity and peace. Then, your mind becomes empty of thoughts, and you enter in the state where you are more receptive and aware. Chinese bells were no longer simple bells for practical uses. They became a symbol of an idea, a culture and a spirit.

Untitled Bell Installation I, 2017

Ceramic bells and cotton string 46’’ x 25’’ x 25’’