somewhere nowhere 9.jpg

Sometimes you have a lot to say about places you can only imagine.

This place could be somewhere, anywhere, everywhere and nowhere.


这个地方可以是某个 地方,任何地方,任何地方,任何地方和任何地方。

Somewhere, nowhere is a large, impressive installation that creates an environment and inspires audiences to participate and engage with the work through everyday, relatable elements and actions. It addresses a place of sensation and exchanges continuity through interaction.

The spectator is invited to enter the spaces, to sit, to be touched, to walk around, and to be fully immersed in that moment. The interrelationship between the work, the environment and the spectator fold and unfold, the installation is created in the dialogue between the work, the artist and the viewer. The experiences of the work take you physically away from the everyday, gradually becoming more aware of your surroundings and your connections to the space. Therefore triggering feelings, thoughts, and ideas.

Somewhere, Nowhere, 2019
Chiffon, ceramic, steel, muslin, and sound Structure : 67’’ x 72’’ x 97’’
Ceramic pill: 25’’ x 21’’ x 9’’