The site-specific work responded to the structure of the studio space. This enclosure form made out of sheer chiffon hangs intentionally within the entrance to the studio. The tiny slit openings on the fabric and the sound of the bells in the background encourage us to touch, to enter and to interact.

The curtains are sewed with a hundred pockets. Inside, randomly you can find a stone-shaped ceramic object that can sound like a bell but not exactly a bell. The fabric functions as an interactive sound instrument, either by people passing by or by physical touches. The stone-like ceramic bells in the pockets sound different from the background, not bongs, or clunks, or bells, but soft sounds.

This small enclosure space inside the installation, almost container-like that only comfortably fits one person, offers a one to one experience, creates a space that borders on fantasy and magic. A transitional experience to a state beyond the self. A place to go for reflection and meditation.

The silkiness of the fabric, the fingerprint on ceramic, the movement of the wind, the ethereal sound, and the playfulness of the pocket. I always intend to highlight the tactility and responsiveness of the objects to the surrounding. Play and interaction is a necessary ingredient in my work; there is a kind of wonder that goes on when you play.

liu yuan soundscape

Untitled Sound Installation, 2019
Chiffon, ceramic bells and record bell sound audio 90” x 49” x 96”